Tiger Pan 潘 虎's profile

今麦郎×潘虎|Effectively Alleviating Battery Anxiety

"Laidian" is a new product under the Jinmailang Beverage Co., Ltd. with its key selling point being "rapid hydration and energy balance."

In the current Chinese market, electrolyte drinks are abundant, and similar products on the shelves share many similarities. Faced with the proliferation of the "lightning bolt" symbol, the challenge in our packaging design this time is how to transform the product's advantages into precise and unique differentiated graphic representation, effectively conveying the electrolyte properties of the product.

The German philosopher Cassirer regarded humans as "symbolic animals" and believed that symbols are carriers of culture. The creation and transmission of culture are mediated through symbols. We hope to harness the power of symbols to interpret the expression of electricity, and "+-" (positive and negative poles) is the sought-after endpoint.
Please feel free to contact me through the following links.  
facebook: Tiger Pan
pinterest: TigerPan潘虎
今麦郎×潘虎|Effectively Alleviating Battery Anxiety

今麦郎×潘虎|Effectively Alleviating Battery Anxiety
